Message Functions
Edit Message
Edit messages sent in chats
const options = {
msgId: "3EB01A690E67", // id message
content: `{
"session": "1",
"device": "556183602797",
"status": 200,
"type": "text",
"isMedia": false,
"fromMe": true,
"id": "KIZAKIXDF88539C9CD2F",
"remoteJid": "",
"to": "5513997939260",
"content": {
"extendedTextMessage": {
"text": "Teste",
"matchedText": "",
"canonicalUrl": "",
"description": "SuperChats is a premium library with unique features that control Whatsapp functions with socket. With Superchats you can build service bots, multiservice chats or any system that uses Whatsapp\nSuperchats is a premium version of Venom, with exclusive features and support for companies and developers worldwide",
"title": "SuperChats - premium library that control Whatsapp",
"previewType": "NONE",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"thumbnailDirectPath": "/o1/v/t62.7118-24/f1/m238/up-oil-image-de11320c-4536-477c-b138-c193b3b728ac?ccb=9-4&oh=01_Q5AaICbt0Kmc8dAEoxRlDivYt-u03tsgj1ncPtpF6wvIjrZv&oe=6701BBB1&_nc_sid=000000",
"thumbnailSha256": "UqQDp7+E/OtwcFvoO5dxSKq4DxROBIjM21Xa55lQBnY=",
"thumbnailEncSha256": "n92VMsO9yjp9jn9VIc3x/R0a7twSJmO40SBY4cEKKck=",
"mediaKey": "E3wDc4jAc1VU/bhtb+blClKC+kuueRPa3v5dx74u5QY=",
"mediaKeyTimestamp": "1725588896",
"thumbnailHeight": 0,
"thumbnailWidth": 0
"isgroup": false,
"timestamp": 1725588896
}` // return the message you want to reply no lugar do reply param
// chatId, text, options
let response = await client.editMessage("5561981590153", 'new text', options)
Delete Message
Delete messages in chats for just you or everyone
Delete message just for you
// chatId, msgId
let response = await client.deleteMessageMe("5561981590153", "3EB071B7776A")
Delete message for everyone in chat
// chatId, msgId
let response = await client.deleteMessageAll("5561981590153", "3EB071B7776A")
Successful return
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 200
type: 'delete-chat-me'
Error return
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 404,
type: 'delete-chat-me',
message: 'message of erro'
Forward Message
Forward messages to any contact
const options = {
msgId: "3EB01A690E67", // id message
content: `{
"session": "1",
"device": "556183602797",
"status": 200,
"type": "text",
"isMedia": false,
"fromMe": true,
"id": "KIZAKIXDF88539C9CD2F",
"remoteJid": "",
"to": "5513997939260",
"content": {
"extendedTextMessage": {
"text": "Teste",
"matchedText": "",
"canonicalUrl": "",
"description": "SuperChats is a premium library with unique features that control Whatsapp functions with socket. With Superchats you can build service bots, multiservice chats or any system that uses Whatsapp\nSuperchats is a premium version of Venom, with exclusive features and support for companies and developers worldwide",
"title": "SuperChats - premium library that control Whatsapp",
"previewType": "NONE",
"jpegThumbnail": "",
"thumbnailDirectPath": "/o1/v/t62.7118-24/f1/m238/up-oil-image-de11320c-4536-477c-b138-c193b3b728ac?ccb=9-4&oh=01_Q5AaICbt0Kmc8dAEoxRlDivYt-u03tsgj1ncPtpF6wvIjrZv&oe=6701BBB1&_nc_sid=000000",
"thumbnailSha256": "UqQDp7+E/OtwcFvoO5dxSKq4DxROBIjM21Xa55lQBnY=",
"thumbnailEncSha256": "n92VMsO9yjp9jn9VIc3x/R0a7twSJmO40SBY4cEKKck=",
"mediaKey": "E3wDc4jAc1VU/bhtb+blClKC+kuueRPa3v5dx74u5QY=",
"mediaKeyTimestamp": "1725588896",
"thumbnailHeight": 0,
"thumbnailWidth": 0
"isgroup": false,
"timestamp": 1725588896
}` // return the message you want to reply no lugar do reply param
// chatId, options
let response = await client.forwardMessage("5561981590153", options)
Return with success
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 200,
type: 'forwarding',
subtype: 'text',
id: '3EB042FA6555',
from: '15815954040',
text: 'oi',
isgroup: false,
reply: { id: undefined },
participant: '',
timestamp: 1633147282
Return with erro
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 404,
type: 'forwarding',
message: 'message of erro'
Temporary Messages
Sets the next chat messages as temporary ones that have disappeared according to the past value of time
// chatOd, time (0 = desactive, 24 = 24 hour, 7 = 7 days, 90 = 90 days)
let response = await client.messageTemporary("5561981590153", "24");
Return with success
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 200,
type: 'message-temporary',
Return with erro
session: 'Marketing',
device: "551152204957",
status: 404,
type: 'message-temporary',
message: 'message of erro'
Chat Messaging Functions
Learn about the types of functions to retrieve chat messages
Search Message by ID
// chatId, msgId
let response = await client.getMessageById('556181590153', '3EB042FA6555');
List Messages by Quantity
// chatId, Qt
let response = await client.getChatMessages('556181590153', 10)
List All Messages
// chatId
let response = await client.getChatAllMessages('556181590153')