Optional Parameters
Optional parameters are initiated along with the connection as connection events. QRCODE and STATUSFIND, plus extra options
const superchats = require("superchats");
session: "Marketing",
license: "asjdh-efddff734-sdsdf834-233272", // Valid license to use Superchats
driveStorage: "local", // use Storage Local or Mongo (default = local)
mongoUrl?: "mongodb://localhost:27017", // for storage mongo is required
amqpUrl?: "amqp://localhost:5672", // Fila RabbitMQ para armazenar no mongo é obrigatório
welcomeScreen?: true, // Show or hide welcome in terminal
welcomeText?: 'Name', // Set a new name for intro and browser device
qr: false, // Brief
code?: true, // Brief
phoneNumber?: '5561985290357', // Brief
retries?: 5, // Set number of qrcode in terminal before of close
alwaysOn?: true, // Mark Chat as always online
autoRead?: true, // Read all received messages
nodata?: true, // Don't get all device history (default = false)
nodataFull?: true, // Don't get all device history full (default = false)
logQr?: true, // (Default is true) Automatically registers QR on terminal
proxy?: "", // Use proxy just passing the HTTP URL | HTTPS
pairing?: async (session, code) => {
console.log(`code: ${code}`);
qrcode: (sessionId, base64QR, asciiQR, urlCode) => {
console.log("sessionId: " + sessionId)
console.log("base64 image of qrcode: " + base64QR);
console.log("Terminal image of qrcode in caracter ascii: " + asciiQR);
console.log("Terminal string hash of qrcode: " + urlCode);
statusFind: (statusSession) => {
console.log("Status Session: ", statusSession);
syncHistory?: (percent) => { // Receive the data synchronization percentage event as soon as it connects
onAck?: (event) => { // Receive a status every time you send a message to a contact: failed, pending, sent, received or read
onAnyMessage?: (event) => { // Receive events every time you send or receive a message
onPresence?: (event) => { // Receive an event whenever a contact is: typing, recording, online or offline with you
onGroups?: (event) => { // Receive events whenever a group name, settings change
onParticipants?: (event) => { // Receives events related to group participants such as: who joined, left, promoted to admin...
onCall?: (event) => { // Receive event every time you receive a voice or video call